Labeling: USDA Solicits Public Input On GMO Labeling
On July 29, 2016, legislation
to establish the National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard was enacted by
Congress. This standard will be established by the U.S. Department of
Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), who have recently called for responses to thirty questions on the subject, seeking comments no
later than July 17, 2017. These questions upon which AMS seeks comment range
from questions such as, “Should AMS consider more than one disclosure
category?” to “How should AMS make public the summary of any examination,
audit, or similar activity?” According to the 2016 legislation, the AMS standard
must be established within two years of its enactment.
Antitrust: European Commission and Canadian Competition
Bureau Clear Dow/DuPont Merger
On June 28, 2017, Dow and DuPont issued a joint update on
their planned merger, which is due to close in August. The companies have met
the conditions stipulated in the March 27, 2017, approval by the European Commission, bringing them within full
approval from the E.U. This follows the June 22, 2017, approval by the U.S. Department of Justice, as well as being
joined by approval from Canada’s Competition Bureau. All three of these key
regulatory approvals required some divestment. Dow and DuPont’s statement reiterates its plans for a new three-company structure in
the wake of the reorganization.
Food Disparagement: BPI Settles with ABC Over Food
Disparagement Claim
On June 28, 2017, Beef Products Inc. (BPI) settled its
lawsuit with ABC Television over ABC referring to BPI’s beef product as “pink
slime” over three hundred times in 2012. The final amount of the settlement has
not been disclosed, although according
to Journal Star, BPI claimed losses of roughly
$400 million in the five year period since 2012. South Dakota, where the suit
took place, has food libel laws, making it one of 13 states where suits of
libel or defamation over food are easier to pursue.
Biosecurity: Bill Addressing Agro-Terrorism Threat Signed
Into Law
On June 30, 2017, President Trump signed H.R. 1238, the
Securing our Agriculture and Food Act into law. The law empowers the Department of Homeland Security to defend
agriculture systems from terrorism and “other high-consequence events,” through
amendment of the Homeland Security Act of 2002.
to Senator Claire McCaskill, who was a co-sponsor of the legislation, “We don’t always
think of a terrorist attack as a deliberate, mass food contamination, or the
danger a major disease outbreak could pose… This bill is an example of setting
aside difference to work across the aisle to keep American families safe, and
that’s the greatest responsibility I have.”
Soda Tax: Court Stays Implementation of Cook County Soda Tax
On June 30, 2017, Judge Daniel Kubasiak of the Cook County
Circuit Court issued a temporary restraining order staying the county’s
beverage tax, which was set to go into effect the next day. The
bill as introduced featured a wide range of
regulations, including a $0.01 per ounce tax on all “bottled sugar-sweetened
beverages, syrups, or powders,” as well as requiring all distributors of such
items to acquire a permit. According
to Food Chemical News, the lawsuit seeking to stay
the law, brought by the Illinois Retail Merchants Association, states that the
law, “violates the uniformity clause of the Illinois Constitution and is
impermissibly vague.” A further hearing is scheduled on July 12, to determine
the future of the measure’s legality.
AgLaw HotLinks:
- “President Trump likely to sign popular agro-terrorism bill” – Food Safety News
- “Rural America’s image problem” – Hagstrom Report
- “Rhode Island lawmakers delay decision on raw milk until 2018” – Food Safety News
- “Expert panel at IFT responds to question, 'GMOs…So what?'” – Meat + Poultry
- “USDA wants consumer feedback on GMO disclosure rules” – The Fern
- “Exclusive: White House weighs tightening U.S. food aid shipping rules – sources” – Reuters
- “Tougher advertising rules for marketing unhealthy foods at children come in to effect
- tomorrow” – Food Navigator
- “Pilgrim's Pride takes action against Plainview Chicken Farm” – Meat + Poultry
- “U.S. Milk Production Highly Concentrated in Just 59 Counties” – Milk Business
- “USDA, NAMI issue statements on BPI/ABC settlement” – Meatingplace
- “Food waste ‘overstated’: U of Minn study” – Meatingplace
- “Trump's Rural Broadband Goal Could Be Costly” – AgWeb
- “Fans of White House Garden Hope New Tenants Keep It Green” – New York Times
- “Soy ‘milk’? Even federal agencies can’t agree on terminology” – Washington Post
- “School districts rethink meal debt policies that shame kids” – Washington Post
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