Permanent and temporary nuisances will be considered separately, allowing for a fair market value allocation of compensatory damages for permanent nuisances, and for temporary nuisances, the lesser of:
· the diminution in fair rental value of the claimant’s property,
the value of the
loss of enjoyment of the claimant’s property,
or the reasonable cost
to repair or mitigate any injury to the claimant can be awarded to the
In addition, farmland owners can now
reasonably expand the scope of their agricultural activities without forfeiting
protections under the right-to-farm laws. The law also stated that an
agricultural operation that is consistent with good agricultural practices and
that was established prior to surrounding agricultural or non-agricultural
activities is presumed reasonable and would not constitute a nuisance.
Furthermore, the law amends the definition of “agricultural activity” to
include the handling, storage, and transportation of agricultural commodities.For the more information, please see the Kansas Legislature’s website on SB 168.
Written by Sarah Doyle - Research Assistant
The Agricultural Law Resource and Reference Center
July 16, 2013