One major shift is that the bill now allows PennVEST to accept funding
applications from nongovernmental entities, such as non-profit and watershed organizations,
for storm water and nonpoint source pollution management projects. Projects proposed by entities other than
municipalities must be in compliance with all ordinances, regulations and plans
adopted by the municipality in which the project is located and the project
must also be approved by all other impacted municipalities. The bill also changes best management
practices to include those under the Clean Streams Law or Pennsylvania’s Nonpoint
Source Management Program Update. A project
which follows Pennsylvania’s Nonpoint Source Management Program Update, and which
has a potential water quality benefit (determined by the Department of
Environmental Protection), as required by the federal Water Pollution Control
Act, would be eligible for funding.
This law also requires the PennVEST Board to provide an annual report,
detailing the projects which received funding.
The annual reports will be published and maintained on the PennVEST
Written By Gaby Gilbeau – Research Assistant
The Agricultural Law Resource and Reference Center
June 12, 2013