Showing posts with label Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Chesapeake Bay Update: Chesapeake Executive Council Meets in Washington

On July 23, 2015, the Chesapeake Executive Council met in Washington D.C. to discuss the status of the Chesapeake Bay cleanup efforts.

During the meeting, the Council announced the introduction of 25 management strategies to improve the health of the Bay. The council also agreed on two resolutions, one of which will increase the use of riparian forest buffers to meet cleanup and nutrient reduction goals. The resolution seeks to introduce new strategies and work plans with the USDA via conservation programs aimed at riparian buffers. The council also approved two joint letters, one of which focused on programs to keep livestock out of streams.

Pennsylvania Secretary John Quigley, from the state Department of Environmental Protection, reaffirmed Pennsylvania’s commitment to the cleanup and restoration efforts following an EPA assessment that declared the state to be “substantially off-track” in meeting with reduction goals. Secretary Quigley said that the state will improve the restoration efforts by increasing compliance enforcement, and by better accounting for the voluntary efforts made by farmers to reduce nutrient and sediment runoff. If the state fails to make improvements, the EPA may begin greater oversight within the area.

The deadline for the states to meet the nutrient reduction goals is set for 2025, with the next interim assessment set for 2017.

Written by Tyler R. Etter- Research Assistant
July 28, 2015