SB 995, the “Pennsylvania Livery Providers Fair Lien Act”
establishes the requirements for livery provider liens which allows for an owner
of a boarding stable to attach a lien to a horse which is left for the stable
owner to perform labor upon, board, furnish services, supplies or provide
materials for, at the request or consent of the owner of the horse. The lien gives the stable owner the right to
detain the horse to secure payment. The
lien attaches to a horse the day it is placed in the stable owner’s care for
boarding or other labor in a statement of the amount due to the stable owner
for the care of the horse and a description of the horse to which the lien is
attached. Liens arising under the
Pennsylvania Livery Providers Fair Lien Act would be deemed an agricultural
lien subject to 13 P.A.C.S. Div. 9.
The text
of the bill, accompanying
memo, and status
can be found on the Pennsylvania legislature’s website.
Written by Alyssa Looney – Research Assistant
The Agricultural Law Resource and Reference Center
November 20, 2013