Showing posts with label Hemp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hemp. Show all posts

Friday, January 24, 2020

Agricultural Law Weekly Review - January 23, 2020

Written by:  
Brook Duer—Staff Attorney
Audry Thompson—Research Assistant
The Agricultural Law Weekly Review provides an update of recent agricultural law developments from the local, state, national, and international levels.  Subscribe to the ALWR at

International Trade: USMCA Receives Congressional Approval, Awaits President’s Signature
On January 16, 2020, the U.S. Congress completed the statutory approval process for the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).  It now awaits the formal application of the President’s signature, which has yet to be scheduled.  Pursuant to the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015, 19 U.S.C. 4201 et seq., (generally referred to as “Trade Promotion Authority” or “TPA”), Congress granted approval through passage of HR 5430, titled the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Implementation Act.  HR 5430 was introduced on December 13, 2019, passed the U.S. House by a 385-41 vote on December 19, 2019 and passed the U.S. Senate by a 89-10 vote on January 16, 2020.  USMCA has already been fully ratified by the Mexican government but still must be approved by the Canadian Parliament before implementation.  The congressional approval process was triggered by the December 10, 2019, announcement by the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) that the United States, Mexico, and Canada had reached a final agreement on amendments and implementation details of the previously-negotiated USMCA dated November 30, 2018.  The completed USMCA terminates and replaces the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).  The final USMCA text is available on the USTR website, along with various fact sheets providing details.  One fact sheet is titled “Agriculture: Market Access and Dairy Outcomes of the USMC Agreement” and another addresses the USMCA’s impact on Pennsylvania

Farm Bill: Fourteen States, New York City, and District of Columbia Sue USDA Over SNAP Benefit Rule Changes 
On January 16, 2020,  Fourteen (14) states, the City of New York, and the District of Columbia, sued USDA in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, Case 1:20-cv-00119, alleging that the December 4, 2019, Final Rule changing the conditions under which states may request and obtain a waiver of the maximum eligibility time for certain Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipients violates the federal Administrative Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C. 701-706.  The plaintiffs are requesting that the rule be stayed, enjoined from becoming effective, vacated, and set aside.  In addition to California and New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland and Virginia have joined in the suit, each state alleging individualized economic harm.  Pennsylvania alleges that the Final Rule will cost it more than $2.2 million annually in increased administrative costs and will increase job-training programming costs more than $21 million over the next six years.  For more on USDA’s Final Rule changing SNAP benefit rules, see the Agricultural Law Weekly Review of December 12, 2019, titled Farm Bill: USDA Changes SNAP Benefit.

Dairy Policy: Cornell University Conducting Dairy Farmer Pricing Survey 
On January 14, 2020, Cornell University’s School of Applied Economics & Management researchers Dr. Todd M. Schmit and Roberta M. Severson commenced a confidential on-line Dairy Farmer Pricing Survey, in which a dairy producer may participate until February 15, 2020. The survey is located at  According to the researchers, the survey is “developed to better understand farmers’ willingness to accept alternative premium programs, related milk premium adjustments, and milk handler business structures.”  The survey is intended to gather nationwide information regardless of the geographic location because the “focus is on price adjustments made by the handler after the required minimum price is determined by the relevant milk marketing order.”  Data collected “will be used to determine preferred premium structures under a range of market conditions . . . as valuable guidance to dairy farmers and milk handlers when considering alternative pricing structures beyond the milk marketing order and the expected results therefrom.”  The survey is limited to current dairy farmers and should be completed by the primary owner/operator in charge of the milk production portion of the farm business. Only one survey should be completed per farm. The survey should take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. 

Food Policy: USDA Announces School Lunch & Summer Meals Reforms
On January 17, 2020, USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service announced the issuance of a proposed rule amending regulations governing the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP).   The proposed rule proposes various and multiple changes to simplify meal pattern and monitoring requirements. According to the proposed rule, “implementation of the wide range of proposed changes and flexibilities is expected to simplify operational requirements, increase efficiency, and make it easier for State and local Program operators to feed children.” The proposed rule is scheduled to be published in the Federal Register on January 23, 2020, and publication will commence a sixty (60) day comment period. 

Industrial Hemp: Ohio’s Hemp Cultivation Regulations Approved by State Regulation Review Agency
On January 16, 2020, the Ohio Department of Agriculture’s hemp cultivation licensing regulations, Ohio Administrative Code 901:14-1-01 through 901:14-2-99, were approved by Ohio’s Joint Committee On Agency Rule Review (JCARR), the state government entity charged with determining if proposed agency regulations exceed the statutory authority granted by the Ohio General Assembly.  The regulations are scheduled to become effective January 31, 2020.  This action follows USDA’s December 27, 2019, approval of the Ohio Department of Agriculture State Hemp Production Plan, as required by the 2018 Farm Bill.  Ohio was one of the first three state hemp production plans approved by USDA.

From National Ag Law Authorities & Sources: 

Penn State Research & News:


Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Press Releases:

No new releases Jan. 15-21, 2020

U.S. Department of Agriculture Press Releases:

Pennsylvania Executive Agencies—Actions and Notices: 
Department of Agriculture
50 Pa.B. 331 “Controlled Plant and Noxious Weed Committee Meeting [January 23, 2020]” Notice (January 18, 2020). 

Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
50 Pa.B. 332 “Conservation and Natural Resources Advisory Council Meeting [January 22, 2020]” Notice (January 18, 2020).

State Conservation Commission
50 Pa.B. 436 “Access to Odor Management Plans for Concentrated Animal Operations and Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations and Volunteers Complying with the Commonwealth's Facility Odor Management Program” Notice (January 18, 2020).
50 Pa.B. 437 “Action on Odor Management Plans for Concentrated Animal Operations and Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations and Volunteers Complying with the Commonwealth's Facility Odor Management Program” Notice (January 18, 2020).

Susquehanna River Basin Commission
50 Pa.B. 464 “Grandfathering Registration Notice” Notice (January 18, 2020).
50 Pa.B. 465 “Public Hearing [February 6, 2020]” Notice (January 18, 2020).

Pennsylvania Legislature

H.B. 1187 “An Act amending Title 30 (Fish) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in special licenses and permits, further providing for Lake Erie fishing permits” Third consideration and final passage [House] (January 15, 2020). 
H.B. 1003 “An Act amending Title 30 (Fish) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in dams, bar racks and migration devices, further providing for marking of dams” Third consideration and final passage [House] (January 15, 2020). 
H.B. 918 “An Act repealing the act of May 20, 1857 (P.L.617, No.658), entitled ‘An act making an Appropriation from the State Treasury, in aid of the Farmers’ High School’” Third consideration and final passage [House] (January 14, 2020). 
H.B. 523 “An Act amending the act of June 13, 1836 (P.L.551, No.169), referred to as the General Road Law, further providing for repair of private roads” Third consideration and final passage [House) (January 14, 2020). 
S.B. 986 “An Act amending the act of December 22, 1983 (P.L.303, No.83), referred to as the Animal Destruction Method Authorization Law, in methodology, further providing for methods of destruction of animals and exclusive method for small domestic animals” Referred to Agriculture and Rural Affairs [Senate] (January 17, 2020). 
S.B. 989 “An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in hunting and furtaking, providing for taking of bobcats prohibited” Re-referred to Game and Fisheries [Senate] (January 15, 2020). 
H.B. 2221 “An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in hunting and furtaking, further providing for unlawful devices and methods; and, in hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for denial or revocation of licenses and for period of revocation” Referred to Game and Fisheries [House] (January 15, 2020). 
H.B. 2218 “An Act amending the act of April 12, 1951 (P.L.90, No.21), known as the Liquor Code, in Pennsylvania liquor stores, further providing for sales by Pennsylvania liquor stores; and, in licenses and regulations and liquor, alcohol and malt and brewed beverages, further providing for wine expanded permits” Referred to Liquor Control [House] (January 15, 2020). 
H.B. 2213 “An Act amending Title 68 (Real and Personal Property) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in land banks, further providing for acquisition of property” Referred to Urban Affairs [House] (January 14, 2020). 
H. Res. 654 “A Resolution recognizing February 25, 2020, as "World Spay Day" in Pennsylvania” Reported as committed [House] (January 14, 2020).
H. Res. 653 “A Resolution designating the week of March 16 through 22, 2020, as ‘Maple Producers Week’ in Pennsylvania” Reported as committed [House] (January 14, 2020).
H. Res. 64 “A Resolution establishing a legislative task force on the delivery of high-speed broadband services and directing the Joint State Government Commission to establish an advisory committee to conduct a study on the delivery of high-speed broadband services in unserved areas and underserved areas of this Commonwealth and to report its findings and recommendations to the House of Representatives” Removed from table [House] (January 14, 2020).

Federal Executive Agencies—Actions and Notices: 
Agriculture Department
85 FR 2897 “Equal Opportunity for Religious Organizations in U.S. Department of Agriculture Programs: Implementation of Executive Order 13831” Proposed Rule—Comment Period (January 17, 2020). 

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
85 FR 2621 “User Fees for Agricultural Quarantine and Inspection Services” Rule (January 16, 2020). 

Commodity Credit Corporation
85 FR 2699 “Request for Information on a Higher Blends Infrastructure Incentive Program” Notice—Comment Period (January 16, 2020).

Environmental Protection Agency
85 FR 2654 “Fenhexamid; Pesticide Tolerances” Rule—Comment Period (January 16, 2020).
85 FR 3371 “Pesticide Product Registration; Receipt of Applications for New Uses (November 2019)” Notice—Comment Period (January 21, 2020). 
85 FR 3306 “Control of Air Pollution From New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine Standards” Proposed Rule—Comment Period (January 21, 2020). 

Federal Communications Commission
85 FR 3044 “Wireline Competition Bureau Provides Guidance on the Implementation Schedule for Reforms Adopted by the Rural Health Care Program Promoting Telehealth Report and Order” Notice (January 17, 2020). 

Federal Emergency Management Agency
85 FR 3397 “Proposed Flood Hazard Determinations [Utah]” Notice—Comment Period (January 21, 2020). 
85 FR 3398 “Proposed Flood Hazard Determinations [Virginia]” Notice—Comment Period (January 21, 2020). 
85 FR 3405 “Proposed Flood Hazard Determinations [Missouri]” Notice—Comment Period (January 21, 2020). 
85 FR 3400 “Changes in Flood Hazard Determinations[Colorado, Florida, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas]” Notice (January 21, 2020). 
85 FR 3402 “Final Flood Hazard Determinations [Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Iowa, Kentucky, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, Oregon]” Notice  (January 21, 2020). 

Food and Nutrition Service
85 FR 3335 “Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request-Determining Eligibility for Free and Reduced Price Meals and Free Milk” Notice—Comment Period (January 21, 2020). 

Forest Service 
85 FR 2384 “Boundary Establishment for Rio Chama National Wild and Scenic River, Santa Fe National Forest, Carson National Forest, and Bureau of Land Management Taos Field Office, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico” Notice (January 15, 2020).
85 FR 2383 “Boundary Establishment for Sipsey Fork of the West Fork National Wild and Scenic River, Bankhead National Forest, Lawrence and Winston Counties, Alabama” Notice (January 15, 2020).
85 FR 2384 “Allegheny Resource Advisory Committee [Meetings: February 21, February 28 and March 26, 2020]” Notice (January 15, 2020).
85 FR 2383 “Black Hills National Forest Advisory Board [Meeting]” Notice (January 15, 2020).

Homeland Security Department
85 FR 3067 “Identification of Foreign Countries Whose Nationals Are Eligible To Participate in the H-2A and H-2B Nonimmigrant Worker Programs” Notice (January 17, 2020). 

Labor Department 
85 FR 3078 “Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request; Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Efforts To Improve Outcomes” Notice—Comment Period (January 17, 2020). 

Land Management Bureau
85 FR 3410 “Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Revision of Grazing Regulations for Public Lands” Notice (January 21, 2020). 

National Park Service
85 FR 2437 “National Park System Advisory Board; Charter Renewal” Notice (January 15, 2020). 

Small Business Administration
85 FR 3101 “Presidential Declaration Amendment of a Major Disaster for the State of South Dakota” Notice (January 17, 2020). 

Wage and Hour Division
85 FR 2760 “Agency Information Collection Activities; Comment Request; Information Collections: Disclosures to Workers Under the Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act” Notice (January 16, 2020).
85 FR 2820 “Joint Employer Status Under the Fair Labor Standards Act” Rule (January 16, 2020). 

U.S. House Agriculture Committee Actions: 

H.R.5627 “MATCH Act of 2020 [To amend the Agricultural Credit Act of 1978 with respect to pre-agreement costs of emergency watershed protection measures, and for other purposes]” Referred to the House Committee on Agriculture (January 16, 2020). 
H.R.5430 “United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Implementation Act” Message on Senate action sent to the House (January 16, 2020). 
H.R.5601 “Property Rights Protection Act of 2020” Referred to Committees on Agriculture and Natural Resources (January 14, 2020). 
H.R.4723 “Fish Act of 2019” Subcommittee Hearings Held (January 14, 2020). 

U.S. Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, And Forestry Committee Actions: 

S.3221 “A bill to place a moratorium on large concentrated animal feeding operations, to strengthen the Packers and Stockyards Act, 1921, to require country of origin labeling on beef, pork, and dairy products, and for other purposes” Read twice and referred to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry (January 21, 2020). 
S.3106 “Reforestation Act of 2019” Read twice and referred to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry (January 19, 2020). 
S.3141 “Food Donation Improvement Act of 2019” Read twice and referred to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry (January 19, 2020). 
S.3214 “MATCH Act of 2020” Read twice and referred to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry (January 16, 2020). 

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January 15-21, 2020 Top Tweets:

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Review last month’s biggest legal developments in agriculture in the December 2019 Agricultural Law BriefIf you’d like to receive this monthly update via email, check out our website and subscribe.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Agricultural Law Weekly Review —November 28, 2019

Written by:  
Brook Duer—Staff Attorney
Audry Thompson—Research Assistant
The following information is an update of recent local, state, national, and international legal developments relevant to agriculture, which can be found weekly and subscribed to at following web address:

Agricultural Labor: House Judiciary Committee Acts on Farm Workforce Modernization Bill 
On November 20, 2019, the United States House of Representatives’ Judiciary Committee passed out of committee H.R. 5038, titled “Farm Workforce Modernization Act,” by a vote of 18-12.  The passage out of the Judiciary committee is a first step for the bill which was introduced on November 12, 2019, with 25 Democratic and 23 Republican co-sponsors. It remains under consideration in three other House committees.  The bill is the first farm workforce bill to be advanced out of any committee in 2019 and may become a focus of farm workforce efforts in the months to come. It contains provisions for E-verify across the entire agricultural sector, H-2A Temporary Worker Program reform, a pathway to legalization for current unauthorized agricultural workers and an earned residence status for long-term workers. 

Industrial Hemp / Cannabis: Idaho Governor Signs Executive Order, Agencies Issue Rules on Interstate Hemp Transportation 
On November 21, 2019, Idaho Governor Brad Little issued Executive Order 2019-13 allowing the transport of hemp through the state, despite Idaho law declaring cannabis with any THC content illegal.  Idaho also has not authorized in-state industrial hemp production pursuant to either the 2014 or 2018 Farm Bills.  In light of the 2018 Farm Bill provisions prohibiting states from interfering with the transportation of legally-produced hemp through any state, Governor Little said the executive order is needed to temporarily resolve the conflict until state legislators find a permanent solution.  In January, Idaho authorities arrested a truck driver passing through Idaho and seized nearly 7,000 pounds of industrial hemp produced legally in another state.  As a result of the Executive Order, on November 26, 2019, the Idaho Department of Agriculture published a temporary regulation, titled “Rules Governing the Labeling of Hemp Receptacles,” the Director of the Idaho State Police published a temporary regulation titled “Rules Governing Hemp Transportation,” and the Idaho Transportation Department published accompanying driver verfication, shipper verification, and bill of lading forms for use in transporting hemp through Idaho. 

Biofuels: New York Approves E15 for Consumer Sale 
On November 20, 2019, the New York Department of Agriculture and Markets published a Notice of Adoption (Vol. XLI, No. 47, I.D. No. AAM-30-19-00004-A) in the New York State Register, effective upon publication, of its July 2019 proposed rule regarding gasoline-ethanol blends.  Presently, New York only permits the sale of gasoline-ethanol blends of not more than 10% ethanol, by volume.  The new rule, among other things, allows for the sale of two new blend amounts: (a) 15% or less ethanol, and (b) 51% or more ethanol, by volume.  However, to avoid causing “undue marketplace disruptions” and for acclimation to the introduction of E15, the rule does not allow at this time for the sale of “mid-level” blends between 15% and 51% ethanol, by volume.  The rule will also create standards for other types of fuels that do not have them, including ethanol flex fuels, butanol, butanol blends, biodiesel, and biodiesel blends.  New York’s regulatory promulgation process does not entail publishing the exact text but directs requests to

Animal Welfare: Michigan Lt. Gov Signs Bill Setting 2025 Effective Date For “Cage Free Egg” Law  
On November 21, 2019, Michigan Lieutenant Governor Garlin Gilchrist, acting in place of Governor Gretchen Whitmer, signed into law a bill, now known as Act 132 of 2019,  establishing 2025 as the effective date of Michigan’s so-called “cage-free egg” law. This represents the culmination of a long legislative process summarized in last week’s November 21, 2019, Agricultural Law Weekly Review

International Trade: U.S. Announces South Korean Rice Export Market Access Agreement 
On November 19, 2019, USDA and United States Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer announced an agreement with the government of South Korea to provide market access for 132,304 tons of U.S. rice annually (approximately $110 million annually) with an effective date of January 1, 2020.

International Trade: USDA Clarifies Required Beef/Pork Export Reporting
On November 25, 2019, USDA amended its Export Sales Reporting regulations under the Agricultural Trade Act of 1978 by a final rule without notice or comment effective immediately which added a lengthy clarification of the definition of “muscle cuts” of beef and pork for the purposes of legally required weekly export reporting to USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service.  

From National Ag Law Experts: 
Tiffany Dowell, Enhanced Life Estate Deeds (aka Lady Bird Deeds) (November 22, 2019). 

Penn State Research:
Jeff Mulhollem, Forest farms could create market for ginseng, other herbs (November 25, 2019).

Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture:

Pennsylvania Executive Agencies—Actions and Notices: 
Department of Agriculture
49 Pa.B. 7091 Action of Controlled Plant and Noxious Weed Committee; Addition of Noxious Weeds to Controlled Plants and Noxious Weed List, Notice (November 30, 2019). 
49 Pa.B. 7091 Farm-to-School Grant Program; 2019-2020 Program Guidelines, Notice (November 30, 2019). 

Environmental Hearing Board
49 Pa.B. 7148 Special Meeting [December 4, 2019], Notice (November 30, 2019). 

Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission 
49 Pa.B. 7057 Special Regulation Designations, Notice (November 23, 2019). 
49 Pa.B. 7048 Additions to List of Class A Wild Trout Waters, Notice (November 23, 2019). 
49 Pa.B. 7050 Classification of Wild Trout Streams; Additions; October 2019, Notice (November 23, 2019)
49 Pa.B. 7050 Classification of Wild Trout Streams; Proposed Additions and Revisions; January 2020, Notice (November 23, 2019). 
49 Pa.B. 7052 Proposed Changes to List of Class A Wild Trout Waters; January 2020, Notice (November 23, 2019).

State Conservation Commission
49 Pa.B. 7152 Action on Odor Management Plans for Concentrated Animal Operations and Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations and Volunteers Complying with the Commonwealth's Facility Odor Management Program, Notice (November 30, 2019). 

Pennsylvania Legislature
S.B. 314 An Act establishing the Pennsylvania Rural Health Redesign Center Authority and the Pennsylvania Rural Health Redesign Center Fund, Presented to Governor (November 22, 2019).
S.B. 798 An Act amending the act of December 7, 1982 (P.L.784, No.225), known as the Dog Law, in short title and definitions, further providing for definitions; in dangerous dogs, further providing for court proceedings, certificate of registration and disposition and for requirements; and making an editorial change, Re-referred to Appropriations (November 21, 2019).
S.B. 377 An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in enforcement, further providing for jurisdiction and penalties; and, in game or wildlife protection, further providing for the offense of unlawful taking and possession of protected birds and for endangered or threatened species, First consideration (November 20, 2019). 
H.B. 102 An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for eligibility for license, First consideration (November 20, 2019). 
H.B. 617 An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in hunting and furtaking licenses, providing for a volunteer instructor license, First consideration (November 20, 2019). 
H.R. 605 A Resolution designating the week of February 22 through 29, 2020, as "FFA Week" in Pennsylvania, Reported as committed (November 20, 2019). 
H.B. 881 An Act amending the act of June 18, 1982 (P.L.549, No.159), entitled "An act providing for the administration of certain Commonwealth farmland within the Department of Agriculture," further providing for agricultural land conservation assistance grant program, Removed from table (November 19, 2019). 
H.B. 1234 An Act amending the act of June 2, 1915 (P.L.736, No.338), known as the Workers' Compensation Act, in liability and compensation, further providing for the definitions of "injury," "personal injury" and "injury arising in the course of his employment," providing for diseases with long latency periods between occupational exposure and manifestation of the disease and further providing for liability, Re-reported as committed (November 19, 2019). 
H.B. 1584 An Act amending Title 30 (Fish) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, repealing provisions relating to waterways patrolmen and employees, Laid on table (November 19, 2019). 

Federal Executive Agencies—Actions and Notices:
Agriculture Department 
84 FR 64703 Export Sales Reporting Program Rule (November 25, 2019).

Agricultural Marketing Service 
84 FR 64028 Pecans Grown in the States of Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Texas; Reporting Requirements,  Proposed Rule—Comment Period (November 20, 2019). 

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
84 FR 64821 International Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standard-Setting Activities, Notice (November 25, 2019). 
84 FR 64825 Plants for Planting Whose Importation Is Not Authorized Pending Pest Risk Analysis; Notice of Availability of Data Sheets for Taxa of Plants for Planting That are Quarantine Pests or Hosts of Quarantine Pests, Notice—Comment Period (November 26, 2019). 
84 FR 64414 Swine Health Protection Act; Amendments to Garbage Feeding Regulations, Rule (November 22, 2019)

Economic Development Administration
84 FR 64829 Notice of Petitions by Firms for Determination of Eligibility To Apply for Trade Adjustment Assistance, Notice (November 25, 2019). 

Employment and Training Administration 
84 FR 65189 Comment Request; Form ETA-232, Domestic Agricultural In-Season Wage Report, and Form-232A, Wage Survey Interview Record Notice—Comment Period (November 26, 2019). 

Environmental Protection Agency
84 FR 65152 Submission to OMB for Review and Approval; Comment Request; Pesticide Establishment Application, Notification of Registration, and Pesticide Production Reports for Pesticide-Producing and Device-Producing Establishments (Renewal), Notice—Comment Period (November 26, 2019).
84 FR 64772 Clothianidin; Pesticide Tolerances, Rule—Comments Accepted (November 25, 2019). 
84 FR 64777 Cyflumetofen; Pesticide Tolerances, Rule—Comments Accepted (November 25, 2019). 

Federal Crop Insurance Corporation 
84 FR 64413 Common Crop Insurance Policy Basic Provisions, Rule (November 22, 2019). 
84 FR 64411 Common Crop Insurance Regulations; Rice Crop Insurance Provisions, Rule—Comments Accepted (November 22, 2019). 

Federal Emergency Management Agency
84 FR 64328 Changes in Flood Hazard Determinations, Notice (November 21, 2019). 
84 FR 64331 Proposed Flood Hazard Determinations, Notice—Comment Period (November 21, 2019).
84 FR 64326 Proposed Flood Hazard Determinations, Notice—Comment Period (November 21, 2019).

Fish and Wildlife Service 
84 FR 65080 Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Reclassification of the Endangered June Sucker to Threatened With a Section 4(d) Rule, Proposed Rule—Comment Period (November 26, 2019). 
84 FR 65098 Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Removal of the Nashville Crayfish From the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife, Proposed Rule—Comment Period (November 26, 2019). 
84 FR 65067 Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Removing Bradshaw's Lomatium (Bradshaw's lomatium) From the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Plants, Proposed Rule—Comment Period (November 26, 2019). 
84 FR 64554 Submission to the Office of Management and Budget for Review and Approval; Electronic Federal Duck Stamp Program, Notice—Comment Period (November 22, 2019). 
84 FR 64210 Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Threatened Species Status for Meltwater Lednian Stonefly and Western Glacier Stonefly With a Section 4(d) Rule, Rule (November 21, 2019). 
84 FR 64099 Foreign Endangered Species; Wild Bird Conservation Act; Receipt of Permit Applications, Notice—Comment Period (November 20, 2019). 

Food and Drug Administration
84 FR 64528 Preparing a Claim of Categorical Exclusion or an Environmental Assessment for Submission to the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Notice—Comment Period (November 22, 2019). 
84 FR 64089 A New Era of Smarter Food Safety; Extension of Comment Period, Notice—Comment Period (November 20, 2019). 
84 FR 64085 Compounding Animal Drugs From Bulk Drug Substances; Draft Guidance for Industry; Availability, Notice—Comment Period (November 20, 2019). 
84 FR 64080 List of Bulk Drug Substances for Compounding Office Stock Drugs for Use in Nonfood-Producing Animals or Antidotes for Food-Producing Animals; Request for Nominations, Notice (November 20, 2019).

Foreign Agricultural Service 
84 FR 64971 McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program, Rule—Comment Period (November 26, 2019). 

Forest Service 
84 FR 64453 Notice of Intent To Grant Exclusive License, Notice—Comment Period (November 22, 2019). 

Labor Department
84 FR 64344 National Agricultural Workers Survey, Notice—Comment Period (November 21, 2019). 

Rural Housing Service 
84 FR 64788 Single Family Housing Direct Loan and Grant Programs, Proposed Rule—Comment Period (November 25, 2019). 

U.S. House Agriculture Committee Actions: 
H.R.5266 To provide for the enhancement of urban agriculture, and for other purposes, Referred to Committees (November 26, 2019). 
H.R.5217 To provide for western water security, reliability, modernization, and abundance, and for other purposes, Referred to the Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment (November 22, 2019). 
H.R.5218 To direct the Secretary concerned to coordinate with impacted parties when conducting a forest management activity, and for other purposes, Referred to Committees (November 21, 2019). 
H.R.5235 To amend the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 to require States to include a photograph on electronic benefit cards issued to provide supplemental nutrition assistance program benefits, Referred to the House Committee on Agriculture (November 21, 2019). 
H.R.5174 To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to provide for a State-sponsored nonimmigrant pilot program, and for other purposes, Referred to Committees (November 19, 2019). 
H.R.5179 To require the Secretary of the Interior to establish Tribal Wildlife Corridors, and for other purposes, Referred to Committees (November 19, 2019). 

U.S. Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, And Forestry Committee Actions: 
S.2933 A bill to amend the Commodity Exchange Act to require a review of current exemptions granted to foreign entities in response to an attempt by a foreign authority to exercise direct supervisory authority over a domestic derivatives clearing organization, Read twice and referred to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry (November 21, 2019). 

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Connect with us on FacebookEvery week we will post the CASL Ledger which details all our publications and activities from the week. 

Want to get updates, but prefer to listen?  Check out the Agricultural Law PodcastWe can always be found on our Libsyn page, iTunes, Spotify, or Stitcher.

Review last month’s biggest legal developments in agriculture in the November 2019 Agricultural Law BriefIf you’d like to receive this monthly update via email, check out our website and subscribe.