by M. Sean High
beekeepers and pasture, rangeland and forage producers are reminded that November 15, 2015 is the sign-up deadline to be eligible for crop insurance
under the Rainfall Index (RI) program. Under
RI, eligible apiculture, forage, and livestock producers are offered the
ability to receive crop insurance protection for acreage devoted to grazing or
hay production.
is a group risk insurance policy that places enrolled acreage into designated
areas known as “grids.” Using National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
data, RI calculates each grid’s rainfall level and compares that level to
normal/historical rainfall levels. If a
particular grid’s rainfall level falls below an established level,
participating producers within the grid receive loss payments. It is important to note that RI coverage is
based upon the rainfall level of the entire grid and not upon the rainfall
level or crop production of any individual producer within the grid.
in RI is limited to perennial pastures, rangeland, and forage land only. As a result, annual crops are not eligible
for the program.
land that is not suitable for grazing or hay production is not eligible for RI
coverage. Nevertheless, qualified farmers
do have the ability to exclude their unsuitable land from RI and still receive
coverage for their remaining eligible land.