Showing posts with label Farm Transition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Farm Transition. Show all posts

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Agricultural Law Weekly Review—July 18, 2019

Written by:
M. Sean High—Staff Attorney
Audry Thompson—Research Assistant
The following information is an update of recent local, state, national, and international legal developments relevant to agriculture:

Dairy Policy: PA Milk Marketing Board Proposes Extension to Notice Requirement to Terminate Dealer-Producer Contracts
On July 13, 2019, the Pennsylvania Milk Marketing Board (MMB) published notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin of a proposed rule to extend the Commonwealth’s dairy dealer-producer contract termination notice requirement from 28 days to 90 days (49 Pa.B. 3606).  According to MMB, the proposed extension is to allow dairy producers additional time to secure alternate outlets for their products prior to a termination.  The proposed rule, however, does provide dealers with an exception to the 90-day termination notice requirement if the dealer experiences “financial hardship, business loss or catastrophic event.”  Interested individuals have 30 days from publication of the proposed rule to submit comments, suggestions, or objections to MMB regarding the proposed extension.  Such submissions must be sent to Doug Eberly, Chief Counsel, Pennsylvania Milk Marketing Board, 2301 North Cameron Street, Harrisburg PA 17110, or via e-mail at

Agricultural Labor: DOL Proposes Changes to H-2A Program
On July 15, 2019, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) announced proposed changes to the H-2A temporary agricultural labor certification program.  According to DOL, the proposed changes are intended to “modernize and improve” the H-2A program through revisions that include simplifying the application process and reducing regulatory burdens on employers.  Additionally, DOL stated that the proposed changes would potentially open the program to more employers by redefining “agricultural labor or services to include employers engaged in reforestation and pine straw activities.”  To view a copy of the proposed changes prior to publication in the Federal Register, click here.  Following DOL’s announcement, U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue issued a statement asserting that the proposed changes “will increase access to a reliable legal agricultural workforce, eas[e] unnecessary burdens on farmers, increase enforcement against fraud and abuse, all while maintaining protections for America’s workers.”

Farm Transitions: USDA Announces $16 Million in Funding for Socially Disadvantaged or Veteran Farmers and Ranchers
On July 16, 2019, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced the availability of approximately $16 million in funding through the Outreach and Assistance for Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers and Veteran Farmers and Ranchers Program (84 FR 33904).  Provided under the 2018 Farm Bill and the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2019, the funding will be awarded to grant projects designed to promote farm and ranch ownership and operation—and increase participation in USDA programs—among socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers and veteran farmers and ranchers.  The grants are open to eligible community-based and nonprofit organizations, institutions of higher learning, and Tribal entities.  All grant requests must be received by August 15, 2019.

Local Foods: USDA Awards $9 Million for 2019 Farm to School Grants
On July 16, 2019, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that over $9 million has been awarded in grants under the 2019 Farm to School Grant Program (FTS).  Part of the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program, FTS awards grants to provide access to local foods in schools and agricultural education.  According to USDA, grants were awarded to 126 projects with an expected reach of more than 3.2 million students.  USDA stated that the approved projects “range from $20,000 to $100,000 and fund equipment purchases and experiential learning activities, including planting school gardens, offering taste tests to children, and organizing field trips to local farms and food producers.”  USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue stated that the U.S. “food supply depends on more young people entering the field of agriculture as farmers retire” and that FTS “inspires young people to consider careers in agriculture and food systems.”

Crop Insurance: USDA Extends Crop Insurance Reporting Deadline for States Affected by Flooding and Heavy Moisture
On July 10, 2019, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Risk Management Agency (RMA) announced a deadline extension for filing spring-seeded crop acreage reports with USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) county offices and crop insurance agents.  The new July 22, 2019, deadline is applicable in states impacted by flooding and heavy moisture: Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Minnesota, North Dakota, Ohio, Tennessee, and Wisconsin.  Crop acreage reports, which document all crops and their intended uses, are necessary for maintaining eligibility in USDA farm loans and conservation programs and calculating losses for crop insurance and disaster assistance.  Producers not in the impacted states are still bound by the original July 15, 2019, deadline.  Reports from producers who set up appointments with their local county offices before their respective deadline will be considered timely filed, even if the appointment occurs after the deadline.

Pesticides: EPA Approves Pesticide with Restrictions to Address Concerns About Pollinator Impacts
On July 12, 2019, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced long-term approval for the insecticide sulfoxaflor.  This approval redresses a 2015 ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit that vacated EPA’s registration of the substance due to insufficient data regarding sulfoxaflor’s effect on bees.  The long-term approval of sulfoxaflor, which EPA identifies as “an important and highly effective tool for growers that targets difficult pests such as sugarcane aphids and tarnished plant bugs, also known as lygus,” removes application restrictions put in place by the 2016 registration decision and approves the insecticide for use on several new crops.   To address concerns about the impact of the pesticide upon pollinators, the approval was issued with several restrictions.  According to EPA, “[w]idely-used alternatives do not have these restrictions and may pose higher risk to non-target wildlife than sulfoxaflor,” and “there are few viable alternatives for sulfoxaflor.”  The long-term approval of sulfoxaflor comes after EPA recently issued emergency exemptions for the use of the product to control sugarcane aphids on sorghum and tarnished plant bugs on cotton.

From National Ag Law Experts:
“RFID Ear Tags To Be Required USDA Identification for ADT by 2023,” Tiffany Dowell Lashmet, Texas Agriculture Law Blog – Texas A&M AgriLife Extension (July 8, 2019)
“Special Rule for Taxing Crop Insurance and Disaster Payments,” Kristine A. Tidgren, The Ag Docket – Iowa State University Center for Agricultural Law and Taxation (June 30, 2019)
Federal Actions and Notices:
Agricultural Marketing Service

Food and Drug Administration

Food and Nutrition Service

Pennsylvania Legislation:
SB 803: Legislation to prevent food establishments from serving food to customers in polystyrene containers (Referred to Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee, July 16, 2019)

Pennsylvania Actions and Notices:

Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture:

Penn State Research:

AgLaw HotLinks:

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Thursday, July 11, 2019

Agricultural Law Weekly Review—July 11, 2019

Written by: M. Sean High—Staff Attorney
The following information is an update of recent local, state, national, and international legal developments relevant to agriculture:

Farmland Preservation: PA Governor Approves Agricultural Conservation Easement Legislation
On July 1, 2019, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf approved legislation amending the Commonwealth’s Agricultural Area Security Law (AASL) to allow landowners to voluntarily surrender the right to construct an additional residence on land subject to a conservation easement (HB 370).  Previously, AASL stated that a conservation easement “shall not prevent…[c]onstruction and use of structures on the subject land for the landowner's principal residence or for the purpose of providing necessary housing for seasonal or full-time employees: Provided, That only one such structure may be constructed on no more than two acres of the subject land during the term of the agricultural conservation easement.”  (3 Pa.C.S.A. § 14.1(c)(6)(iv)).  Under the new legislation, now known as Act 33, owners of the land subject to an agricultural conservation easement may now voluntarily “relinquish and extinguish” this right to construct an additional residence.  According to the sponsor of the legislation—Rep. Kate A. Klunk—this will allow landowners who do not wish to construct an additional residence the ability to reduce the value of their property for tax purposes.  Additionally, if a landowner does not relinquish the right to construct an additional residence, Act 33 now permits the construction to be used for an immediate family member as well as for the landowner or an employee.

Taxation: PA Governor Approves Tax Credit to Support Beginning Farmers
On July 2, 2019, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf approved legislation providing a tax credit for those who sell or rent their “agricultural assets” to beginning farmers (SB 478).  Now known as Act 65, the legislation defines an “agricultural asset” as “agricultural land, livestock, facilities, buildings and machinery used for farming.”  Qualifying agriculture asset owners include individuals, trusts, or pass-through entities.  Equipment and cattle dealers, however, do not qualify.  Under Act 65, qualifying owners of agricultural assets that rent or sell those assets to beginning farmers may apply to the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development for a tax credit against the tax due for the rental or sale of the asset.  For a sale of an agricultural asset, qualifying owners may receive a tax credit that is equal to 5% of the sale price or fair market value of the agricultural asset.  The tax credit, however, may not exceed $32,000.  For the lease of an agricultural asset, qualifying owners may receive a tax credit that is equal to 10% of the gross rent for the first, second, and third years of the lease.  The tax credit, however, may not exceed $7,000 per year.

Dairy Policy: PA Governor Approves Dairy Future Commission
On July 2, 2019, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf approved legislation establishing the Pennsylvania Dairy Future Commission (SB 585).  Now known as Act 66, the legislation creates a 22-member commission—consisting of representatives from both public and private sectors—charged with providing “recommendations to promote and strengthen the Commonwealth’s dairy industry.”  The purpose of the commission is to evaluate various factors affecting the dairy industry such as production, marketing, and regulations.  The commission will also have the ability to make recommendations regarding any legislative and/or regulatory changes that could benefit Pennsylvania’s dairy industry.   

Transportation: PA Governor Vetoes Travel Ban Exemption for Milk Haulers
On July 2, 2019, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf vetoed legislation that would have permitted milk haulers the ability to travel on Pennsylvania highways during a declaration of disaster emergency (HB 915).  Under current law, Pennsylvania’s governor has the authority to place travel restrictions on commercial vehicles during inclement weather.  According to the sponsor of the proposed legislation—Rep. Martin T. Causer—these restrictions do not consider the perishable nature of milk and that cows continue to produce milk while the travel restrictions are in place.  Rep. Causer’s proposed legislation provided that during a declaration of disaster emergency, a licensed milk hauler would have been permitted to travel to a dairy farm to pick-up milk and to transport milk to or from a milk plant.  In vetoing the legislation, Governor Wolf stated that “[p]roviding for an exemption to the travel ban under the declaration puts the public in jeopardy, which, in turn, endangers our State Police and first responders and even our milk haulers.”

Food Labeling: Canada Proposes New Food Labeling Regulations
On July 2, 2019, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agriculture Service (FSA) announced that the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has issued proposed changes to the nation’s food labeling regulations.  FSA stated that the proposed labeling changes include how the terms “expiration date” and “best before date” may be used, a required listing of a manufacturer’s contact information, and a consistent location regarding a product’s country of origin declaration.  Interested stakeholders have until September 4, 2019, to submit comments to CFIA regarding the proposed changes.

From National Ag Law Experts:
“Oh, SNAP! The Supreme Court Holds Store Level SNAP Redemption Data is Confidential Under FOIA Exemption 4”, Stewart D. Fried, Ag/FDA Blog – Olsson Frank Weeda Terman Matz PC (June 25, 2019)
“As the lease termination date approaches farm landowners have options”, Sarah Everhart, Maryland Risk Management Education Blog (June 18, 2019)
Federal Actions and Notices:
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

Farm Service Agency

Federal Crop Insurance Corporation

Food and Nutrition Service

Pennsylvania Legislation:
SB 798: Legislation to amend the Commonwealth’s dog law regarding dangerous dogs (Referred to Senate Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee, July 9, 2019)
HB 1687: Legislation to amend the Commonwealth’s fireworks law (Referred to House Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee, July 8, 2019)
HB 1699: Legislation to permit therapy dogs on public transportation (Referred to House Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee, July 8, 2019)

Pennsylvania Actions and Notices:
Department of Agriculture

Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture:

Penn State Research:

AgLaw HotLinks: