Written by:
Jackie Schweichler - Education Programs Coordinator
The following information is an update of recent local,
state, national, and international legal developments relevant to agriculture.
Food Labeling: Missouri Releases Guidance on Changes to
Meat Advertising Law for Plant-Based Products
On August 30, 2018, the Missouri Department of Agriculture released guidance on
the new changes to the
Missouri Meat Advertising Law. The new legislation was part of an omnibus
agriculture bill that was signed in June 2018. According to the law, advertising
“or misrepresenting a product as meat that is not derived from harvested
production livestock or poultry,” constitutes a misleading or deceptive
practice. The guidance states that products must include the qualifier such as
“plant-based,” “veggie,” “lab-grown,” “lab-created” before or after the product
name. In addition, plant-based meat products must include a statement on
the package that says the product is “made from plants” or “grown in a lab.”
These new rules will not be enforced until January 1, 2019.
Right to Farm Laws: Court Lifts Gag Order and Delays
Trial in Hog Farm Lawsuit
On August 31, 2018, the U.S. District Court for the Southern
Division in North Carolina lifted a gag order in the ongoing nuisance lawsuits
brought against Murphy-Brown, LLC (McKiver, et al., v. Murphy-Brown, et al.,
2018 WL 4183201). Murphy-Brown is a subsidiary of Smithfield Foods, the
world’s largest pork processor and hog producer. The plaintiffs include 26
neighboring landowners who complain of odors and other problems associated with
living next to a hog farm. The gag order was issued upon concerns that
trial publicity was affecting the integrity of the judicial process. The court is lifting the gag order in light
of the delay of the next trial, which was originally scheduled for September 4,
2018, but has now been moved to November 13, 2018.
National Agricultural Policy: USDA Announces Website for
Rural Broadband Pilot Program
On August 29, 2018, the U.S. Department of Agriculture
announced a new website which
provides information on the pilot program to bring high-speed internet access
to rural America. USDA currently offers $700 million in programs to
provide broadband to rural communities.
Under the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2018, USDA received an
additional $600 million to expand broadband infrastructure. These
programs are intended to help industries including, manufacturing, agricultural
production, mining, and forestry.
According to the USDA website, eighty percent of 24 million rural
American households do not have access to affordable, reliable high-speed
Animal Welfare: Animal Welfare Groups Sue USDA for
Failure to Disclose Records
On August 23, 2018, several animal welfare groups filed suit
in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of New York to compel the
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to release records regarding the humane
treatment of animals for slaughter (Animal
Welfare Institute, et al., v. U.S. Department of Agriculture,
1:18-cv-00937). According to the plaintiffs, under the Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA) they have routinely requested Noncompliance Records and
Memoranda of Interviews in order to monitor USDA and keep the public informed.
The documents are prepared under the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act and
the Poultry Products Inspection Act. The
plaintiffs have submitted over 135 requests for these documents since 2009 and
the agency routinely fails to respond within the 20-day time limit established
by FOIA. The plaintiffs state that they often wait months before receiving
these records and they are substantially hindered in their education and
advocacy efforts when relying on untimely information.
Antitrust: Proposed Bill Would Impose Moratorium on
Agricultural Business Mergers
On August 28, 2018, U.S. Senator Cory Booker introduced SB 3404 which
will impose a moratorium on large agricultural business mergers. The bill
will affect mergers and acquisitions for food and beverage manufacturers,
grocery retail, and large agribusiness. According to a statement by Senator
Booker, three companies now control the top two-thirds of the seed market
and almost 70 percent of the agricultural chemical markets. Senator
Booker also expressed concerns about the mergers resulting in “monopolistic
corporate practices” that create lower wages for workers. The bill
is intended to slow acquisitions and mergers in order so that Congress has time
to pass antitrust laws in order to “protect farmers, workers, consumers, and
rural communities.”
From National Ag Law Experts:
Kristine Tidgren, USDA
Issues Details of New Payment Program, Iowa State University (August
31, 2018).
Tiffany Dowell Lashmet, USDA
- 2018 Land Values Summary, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
(September 4, 2018).
Karen Hansen-Kuhn and Oliver Moore, #AgTech
Takeback - Debate by ARC2020 and IATP, Institute for Agriculture &
Trade Policy (September 5, 2018).
confirms sixth case of Mad Cow disease in past 15 years" - Food Safety
research says health guidelines for limiting dairy intake ‘should be
relaxed’" - Food Navigator
places moratorium on ag, food mergers" - Feedstuffs
site helps rural areas bridge broadband gap" - Morning Ag Clips
the Farm: Big Data in Agriculture" - FoodTank
force weighs Ohio’s distressed watershed proposal" - Farm and Dairy
about who can call ‘it’ meat moves to the federal court system" - Food
Safety News
Carolina pork trials delayed during appeals" - Feedstuffs
available for $10 million in tax credits" - Morning Ag Clips
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